martes, 30 de abril de 2019

My dream job!

Hi Readers!

Today I'm going to talk about my ideal job. I have had many jobs, now I work in a pub as a waitress. This is not my dream job, but is very entertaining.

If we talk about a dream, about my ideal job, Really, I like to much the architecture. This have many areas for explorer, it is one of my favourite things, that you have many options for choose for the carrer, from urbanist to scenographer of museums or exhibitions.

Specifically, I would like desing and planner social housing. Always I was interested in the social area, and too I like the art, not as anything that only depends of the talent of a person, rather as a demonstration of the thoughts, ideas or, even, postures about a specific theme.

I like to much the architecture, not only because it permit that i shared my ideas, too because will leave me, and will force me, to know and get involved in diferents live ways.

Is necessary be very organized, have good ideas, be  empathic, and, in special for do social housing, be a sensible person, You can't desing a house where you would not like live.

When I decided study architecture the principal inspiration was the social work of my dad, when I was a girl he was in a group of people without house, they was very organized and they studied many for can have a very good proposal for diferents professionals.

A architec that I like is the last winner of the Nacional Architecture Award, Miguel Lawner. and one of my favourite projects is the old "Vivienda Obrera" in Valparaíso, that is a restoration of a heritage building, and a transformation in a social housing.


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A book 📕

Hi readers Today I going to talk about a book, specifically of a book that i read when I was a girl and that taugth me that the reading ca...