martes, 9 de abril de 2019

I love swimming ♥

Hi everyone

Today I going to speak about the more funny hobby in the world, the swimming! I love it. I practice this sport since i had 7 or 8 years old. In this time, I was going only in the summer, but when my parents noticed than I was interested in this they paid me a leasson in a heated pool.

For about six years I practice this sport all the weeks, some time is a bit hard, because the university and the job is very long but I always try have a little time.

Now I practice in the pool of the University of Santiago, because it is the closest to my house. Sometimes I have training close to midnight, so I need live close to the pool. And it is the only one that allows me have class so later.

The swim that I practice is of resistance, but I do not like overwork me, before I practice until I can´t more but now I do this as a funny hobby. I practice it as a entertaiment and relaxation, not to be a professional swimmer

In the swimming you not need many equipment, only a swimwear, lenses and hat, maybe some ear plugs. But the more important is the pool.

bye bye. I write the next wekeend.

1 comentario:

  1. I live very close to a swimming pool so I try to swin 2 or 3 times a week.


A book 📕

Hi readers Today I going to talk about a book, specifically of a book that i read when I was a girl and that taugth me that the reading ca...