martes, 30 de abril de 2019

My dream job!

Hi Readers!

Today I'm going to talk about my ideal job. I have had many jobs, now I work in a pub as a waitress. This is not my dream job, but is very entertaining.

If we talk about a dream, about my ideal job, Really, I like to much the architecture. This have many areas for explorer, it is one of my favourite things, that you have many options for choose for the carrer, from urbanist to scenographer of museums or exhibitions.

Specifically, I would like desing and planner social housing. Always I was interested in the social area, and too I like the art, not as anything that only depends of the talent of a person, rather as a demonstration of the thoughts, ideas or, even, postures about a specific theme.

I like to much the architecture, not only because it permit that i shared my ideas, too because will leave me, and will force me, to know and get involved in diferents live ways.

Is necessary be very organized, have good ideas, be  empathic, and, in special for do social housing, be a sensible person, You can't desing a house where you would not like live.

When I decided study architecture the principal inspiration was the social work of my dad, when I was a girl he was in a group of people without house, they was very organized and they studied many for can have a very good proposal for diferents professionals.

A architec that I like is the last winner of the Nacional Architecture Award, Miguel Lawner. and one of my favourite projects is the old "Vivienda Obrera" in Valparaíso, that is a restoration of a heritage building, and a transformation in a social housing.


martes, 23 de abril de 2019

Hey Arnold!

Hi readers

Today I go to talk about a programme TV that is really fun. It is Hey Arnold!

I remember that they transmitted it during the weekend, in the morning. I with my dad were going to buy for the breakfast and after we returned to the bed without sleep, we looked TV.

It was my favourite animated programme of the TV . It is about a group a boys and girls that they go to a school, in fourt grade, and they have many adventures. The principal character is Arnold. He is a boy with a head with form of ball  american football. Her best friend is Jerald, with he Her have a lots of fun episodes.

Other important character is Helga, she is a girl that love to Arnold in secret. But in public she is very bad with Arnold (and with all people).

best friends GIF by Hey Arnold  hey arnold 90s GIF

Arnold live with grandparents and many others people in a house very beauty, and her bedroom is wonderful, have a window in the ceiling with a staircase toward rooftop

Arnold have a grandmother very crazy, she is my favourite characther, she is Pookie

Even now, I see  Hey Arnold! sometimes. Bye.

hey arnold nickelodeon GIF

martes, 16 de abril de 2019

I have not had much luck with holidays, I have never traveled to another country and I not know to much Chile. My parents live in Petorca, in the fourth region, so my holidays each always are in this place.

Imagen relacionada
This is river Petorca. Now this have less water, because the avocado farmers overexploited the rivers
and they steal water in the fourth region. A few meters of the house of my parents was a water stream,
but this now is dry. This is very bad, it is very alarming.

Is a place very quiet, and I can rest of the excess of movement of Santiago.

They have a pool, this is impossible in my house in Santiago, so that it is wonderfull for me. It is my favourite thing of my holidays. Too they have in the house a jumping bed, so my son is very entertained.

As my parents live so many years there, we know many people that we only see in the holiday. Many of they live in Santiago and only travel to Petorca in the summer holidays or some weekends in the school year, they are funny people, we go to the beach together or we do a party with roast and music.

The holidays with my parents are funny and relax. I have time for paint and swim. And as it is a place very solitaire I can discover new things every time. But I only can be a short time, because after any days this is very boring.


martes, 9 de abril de 2019

I love swimming ♥

Hi everyone

Today I going to speak about the more funny hobby in the world, the swimming! I love it. I practice this sport since i had 7 or 8 years old. In this time, I was going only in the summer, but when my parents noticed than I was interested in this they paid me a leasson in a heated pool.

For about six years I practice this sport all the weeks, some time is a bit hard, because the university and the job is very long but I always try have a little time.

Now I practice in the pool of the University of Santiago, because it is the closest to my house. Sometimes I have training close to midnight, so I need live close to the pool. And it is the only one that allows me have class so later.

The swim that I practice is of resistance, but I do not like overwork me, before I practice until I can´t more but now I do this as a funny hobby. I practice it as a entertaiment and relaxation, not to be a professional swimmer

In the swimming you not need many equipment, only a swimwear, lenses and hat, maybe some ear plugs. But the more important is the pool.

bye bye. I write the next wekeend.

A book 📕

Hi readers Today I going to talk about a book, specifically of a book that i read when I was a girl and that taugth me that the reading ca...